Our Evolve Teams Enterprise Voice solution delivers an enterprise PBX with PSTN dial tone and advanced features, contact center functionalities, project management integrated with Microsoft Teams. By pairing two world-class platforms together, the question that will inevitably come up is...

"Where do I go for my reporting needs???" 

This Reporting Guide is intended to provide direction on where admins should be going to gather information and generate reports.


The Evolve Teams Enterprise Voice solution leans on the Microsoft Phone System as the primary PBX and our Evolve IP Cisco Broadsoft platform for advanced PBX feature/functionality, along with Evolve IP developed software and technologies.  Since the Microsoft phone system is the primary PBX, administrators are going to run their primary call detail reports from the Office 365 Administration Center.  

As we move to more advanced solutions, Contact Center, IVR, Speech Analytics, and more you'll use Evolve reporting OR lean on our Data Warehouse to take the raw data into your own business intelligence tool, such as Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, or other.

Microsoft Reporting

Microsoft does a great job with their reporting content.  Let's have a look...


Report What's Measured?ReportWhat's Measured?
Teams usage report
  • Active users
  • Active users in teams and channels
  • Active channels
  • Messages
  • Privacy setting of teams
  • Guests in a team
Teams PSTN blocked users report
  • Display name
  • Phone number
  • Reason
  • Action type
  • Action date and time
The Teams usage report gives you an overview of the usage activity in Teams, including the number of active users and channels, so you can quickly see how many users across your organization are using Teams to communicate and collaborate. The PSTN blocked users report shows you the users in your organization who are blocked from making PSTN calls in Teams. You can view more information about each blocked user, including their assigned phone number and the reason they were blocked from making calls.
Teams usage report
  • Active users
  • Active users in teams and channels
  • Active channels
  • Messages
  • Privacy setting of teams
  • Guests in a team
Teams PSTN blocked users report
  • Display name
  • Phone number
  • Reason
  • Action type
  • Action date and time
The Teams usage report gives you an overview of the usage activity in Teams, including the number of active users and channels, so you can quickly see how many users across your organization are using Teams to communicate and collaborate. The PSTN blocked users report shows you the users in your organization who are blocked from making PSTN calls in Teams. You can view more information about each blocked user, including their assigned phone number and the reason they were blocked from making calls.
Teams user activity report
  • 1:1 calls a user participated in
  • Messages a user posted in a team chat
  • Messages a user posted in a private chat
  • Last activity date of a user
Teams PSTN minute pools report
  • Country or region
  • Capability (license)
  • Total minutes
  • Minutes used
  • Minutes available
The Teams user activity report gives you insight into the types of activities that users in your organization perform in Teams. For example, you can see how many users communicate through 1:1 calls, how many users communicate through channel messages, and how many users engage in private chat messages.The Teams PSTN minute pools report gives you an overview of audio conferencing and calling activity in your organization by showing you the number of minutes consumed during the current month. You can see a breakdown of activity including the license used for calls, total minutes available, used minutes, and license usage by location.
Teams device usage report
  • Windows users
  • Mac users
  • iOS users
  • Android phone users
Teams PSTN usage report - Calling Plans
  • Time stamp
  • User name
  • Phone number
  • Call type
  • Called to
  • To country or region
  • Called from
  • From country or region
  • Charge
  • Currency
  • Duration
  • Domestic/International
  • Call ID
  • Number type
  • Country or region
  • Conference ID
  • Capability (license)
The Teams device usage report provides you with information about how users connect to Teams. You can use the report to see the devices that are used across your organization, including how many use Teams from their mobile devices when on-the-go.The Teams PSTN usage report Calling Plans tab shows information including the number of minutes that users spent in inbound and outbound PSTN calls and the cost of these calls. 
Teams live event usage report
  • Total views
  • Start time
  • Event status
  • Organizer
  • Presenter
  • Producer
  • Recording setting
  • Production type
Teams PSTN usage report - Direct Routing
  • Time stamp
  • Display name
  • SIP address
  • Phone number
  • Call type
  • Called to
  • Start time
  • Invite time
  • Failure time
  • End time
  • Duration
  • Number type
  • Media bypass
  • Azure region
  • Event type
  • Final SIP code
  • Final Microsoft subcode
  • Final SIP phrase
  • Correlation ID
The Teams live event usage report shows you the activity overview for live events held in your organization. You can view usage information, including event status, start time, views, and production type for each event.The Teams PSTN usage report Direct Routing tab shows you information including the SIP address and call start and end times. 

Evolve IP Intellectual Property Reporting

One of the major factors for choosing Evolve Teams Enterprise Voice are the technologies and applications that we've developed for advanced PBX, IVR, basic and advanced contact center.  Whether you need these technologies on Day 1 with Evolve IP or you want a safety net for your growing business or acquisitions that may need these technologies, we have your back with advanced solutions.

Below are links that will redirect to Knowledge Base reporting content for your advanced PBX needs:

OSSMosis Hosted PBX Reporting

Cisco Broadsoft Call Center & Evolve IVR Applications

SIP Handsets & Reporting

After introducing the ability to use existing SIP handsets with our Teams Enterprise Voice solution, administrators may need to run reports in both OSSmosis and the Microsoft Admin Center to get the most holistic view of their organization.  The reason being that users placing call from their SIP phones will not reach the Microsoft platform. Conversely, users placing Teams to Teams calls will not reach the Cisco platform, so in order to be able to view ALL traffic, multiple reports will need to be generated and maintained.

Jason JefferiesUnknown User (wkuritz)Unknown User (jdougherty)Mike Hamilton

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