This release contains the following enhancements:
- Post Call Surveys can be set up so that information can be gathered about the agent performance after phone interactions. These surveys can be customized by each organization to request agent performance information from callers with the goal of improving the customer experience. In Setup, activities that are set up for Post Cal Surveys can include set up that allows the survey answers to be recorded and transcribed. Survey participants can answer survey questions via key entry or voice recording. The questions for surveys can be defined and configured to collect information about the customer experience with Agents for all interactions. The results of these surveys will be included in reporting at the business process and agent level. For detailed user guide information, please see the following: ECS Setup: Interaction Handling Flow: Post Call Survey - Evolve IP Knowledge Base - The Evolve IP Knowledge Base
- Customer logo displayed in the active chat interaction for all incoming and outgoing chats. This add customer visibility within the chat interaction to provide more clarity during the chat interaction between the customer and the Agent.
This release contains the following bug fixes:
- Web Chat was not successfully loading for customers.
- Agents could not make calls while on Break due to the call not being identified as a private interaction; a message is now displayed to Agents to surface that the Agent is in Break state so only Private interactions can be made.
- After refreshing, Favorites that were added to Contacts no longer displayed in Favorites.
- CRM contact information for new customers could not be added by Agent in a chat interaction; this information can now be added to Contacts in an active chat interaction. The saved contact information is displayed to the Agent as CRM data.
- The total size of all email attachments should not exceed 20MB; an error message is now presented if the size is greater than 20MB.