In This Article


Authorized contacts are individuals within your organization that you have authorized to contact Evolve IP with technical, billing, or support issues.

Authorized contacts are determined by assigning a user profile the predefined Access Rule "Authorized Contact", which gives them access to the Help Center application connector in their dashboard. The Help Center application connector gives a user access to the Evolve IP ticketing system to submit support requests.

Add an Authorized Contact

  • Sign into the Clearlogin Admin Console:
  • In the left navigation bar, browse to: User Profiles
  • On the User Profile page, search for the user profile you wish to make an authorized contact, and click on the Edit button
  • On the Edit page, click Security and scroll down to the Access Rules section. Add the Authorized Contact access rule to their profile.
  • Click the Update Access Rules button to save the changes

Remove an Authorized Contact

  • Sign into the Clearlogin Admin Console:
  • In the left navigation bar, browse to: User Profiles
  • On the User Profile page, search for the user profile you wish to remove as an authorized contact, and click on the Edit button
  • On the Edit page, click Security and scroll down to the Access Rules section and remove the Authorized Contact access rule in their profile
  • Click the Update Access Rules button to save the changes

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