We are excited to announce the Evolve Contact Suite (ECS) v2025.2 release will be available on February 16, 2025.


NOTICE: ECS API v1 was deprecated EOY 2024. The service will be taken down during Feb 16 maintenance. Make sure you are implementing V2 using this URL https://ecs-api.voip.evolveip.net/API/v2/<XXX>

This release contains the following feature enhancements and bug fixes. 


  1. SETUP - Added ability to Export and Import Text Repository items to/from CSV.
  2. SETUP -  Voice Recorder activity - If the customer is silent when prompted to record a message, exit via the Timeout leg instead of the Fault leg.
  3. SETUP - Get Queued Interactions Statistics activity - Updated EWT formula (estimated waiting time). 
  4. SETUP - Dynamic routing Data was improved with the ability to drag/drop fields to re-order, and download templates, and the export of dynamic routing data is now sorted on RoutingDataId in ascending order.
  5. SETUP - Functions - Add support for local variables.
  6. SETUP - New Callback function added to new orgs via Wizard
  7. Agent summary email is now being sent from the ECS Notification mailbox rather than from the customer-provided mailbox.
  8. eAgent - Settings - Add option to mute Keypad DTMF feedback tone
  9. eAgent - Settings - Auto Open Interaction Details is now enabled by default.
  10. eSupervisor - Agent Monitor additional filters.
  11. eSupervisor - New screen - Agent runtime assignments
  12. Web chat screen pop - UI enhancements - Scaling, Always on top.

Operational Improvements

  1. Filter out "RealTimespan" KPIs sent to Prometheus (external monitoring system).
  2. ETL Data recovery process - Enhanced our ETL data recovery process to ensure robust data management and continuity. 
  3. Supervisor - Improved performance for large campaign deletion process.
  4. Supervisor - Contact List Import - Add validation for null rows.

Bug Fix

  1. Telephony - Detect correctly blind transfer to the external number that was not answered and populate the exact telephony time which impacts voice billing reports 4.04 and 4.09.
  2. Wallboard's user data functionality.

What do you need to know?

  1. Any changes made to your environment must be fully deployed via Setup before the upgrade and previously deployed versions will no longer be available after the upgrade.
  2. If your organization is staffed during maintenance, they will experience a short period of downtime (less than 10 minutes).
  3. Users will get a notification on their first login after the upgrade to accept and download the newest update. Please instruct your users to accept the application update.
  4. For more details about the steps, each customer can take after the release, see the Post-Release Testing.