In This Article


This article covers the process to transfer the billing ownership of seat-based (license-based) and Azure subscriptions between Microsoft CSP partners.  This includes your responsibilities as an Evolve IP customer.

Transfer Limitations

The following limitations apply to subscription transfers between Microsoft CSP partners:

  • Transfers can only occur between Microsoft CSP partners, and both CSP partners must be in the same region.  For Evolve IP customers this is the US or Canada.
  • Transfers cannot be performed with other purchasing channels like volume license agreements (EA, MPSA, Open, etc.), or directly with Microsoft (web-direct).
  • Transfers can only occur if both Microsoft CSP partners approve it.  Neither CSP partner is under any obligation from Microsoft to accept/approve a transfer request.
  • Microsoft does not provide any mediation services between customers and their CSP partners.

For the subscription products that are being transferred between CSP partners:

  • Partial transfers are not supported.
  • Product quantity changes cannot be made during a transfer.
  • Product renewal/expiration dates cannot be modified during a transfer.
  • Product billing terms (annual/monthly) cannot be modified during a transfer.


Transferring subscriptions between Microsoft CSP partners will not affect the quantities and license assignments in your 365 tenant.  The transfer process only changes the billing ownership between the CSP partners.

Supported Product Types

Microsoft only supports transferring the following Microsoft CSP New Commerce Experience (NCE) product types:

  • NCE seat-based (license-based) subscriptions (O365, M365, Teams, Entra ID, Defender, etc.)
  • Azure Plan (NCE)
    • Azure Subscriptions
    • Azure Reservations
    • Azure Savings Plans


Check with your current Microsoft CSP partner to verify eligibility to transfer your subscriptions.  The following Microsoft product types are not supported:

  • Legacy seat-based (license-based) subscriptions (O365, M365, Teams, Entra ID, Defender, etc.)
  • Software subscriptions (Windows Server, SQL Server, RDS, etc.)
  • Perpetual software (Office, Windows Server, SQL Server, RDS, etc.)
  • Third-party marketplace subscriptions

Incoming Transfers to Evolve IP

The following is an overview of the process to transfer subscriptions to Evolve IP including your responsibilities as the customer:

  • You, the customer, are responsible for all communications with your current Microsoft CSP partner.  Evolve IP will not reach out to your current CSP partner on your behalf.
  • You must provide an email or other document showing approval from your current Microsoft CSP partner to transfer one or more of your subscriptions.
  • You must provide Evolve IP a current inventory of the subscriptions that will be transferred.  To generate the sales order for your transfer, each product in the inventory must include the following information:
    • Subscription Name
    • Quantity
    • Term Duration (Annual or Monthly)
    • Subscription Renewal Date
    • Subscription Billing Duration (Annual or Monthly)


If you are transferring Azure Subscriptions, you must provide the following information:

  • For each Azure subscription, the Subscription Name and Subscription ID.
  • For each Azure Reservation, the Reservation Name, Quantity, and Expiration Date.
  • For each Azure Savings Plan, the Amount of the Savings Plan, and the Expiration Date.
  • You must provide your current CSP partner's Company Name and Microsoft ID (Tenant ID).
  • If your current CSP partner is a Microsoft CSP Indirect Reseller, you must provide the Company Name and Microsoft ID (Tenant ID) of the reseller's Indirect Provider.
  • You must provide us with a Name and Email Address for a named contact within your organization.  If needed, this can be an email distribution group that accepts email from external sources.

Incoming Transfer Process

  • You establish a reseller relationship with Evolve IP as your CSP partner, and if needed accept Microsoft's Customer Agreement.
  • Using the details you provided of your current CSP partner, Evolve IP submits a transfer request to your current CSP partner.
  • Your current CSP partner receives a notification of the request from Evolve IP, selects the subscriptions to be transferred, and approves the transfer request.
  • It can take up to 72 hours for the transfer to complete.
  • Everyone (both CSP partners and you the customer) receive email notifications upon successful transfers.
  • If any of the subscriptions fail to transfer, the process can be repeated.
  • Upon successful transfers, the subscriptions are reviewed, and any discrepancies are corrected.


Once the subscriptions are transferred from your current CSP partner, your company becomes financially responsible for all subscriptions transferred including but not limited to:

  • Any subscriptions that should not have been transferred.
  • Any subscription product discrepancies.
  • Any subscription quantity discrepancies.
  • All subscription billing terms.

If a subscription was transferred by mistake, you will be responsible for all billing while the subscription is with Evolve IP, and until your current CSP partner submits a request to have the subscription transferred back.

Outgoing Transfers from Evolve IP

The following is an overview of the process to transfer subscriptions away from Evolve IP including your responsibilities as the customer:

  • You, the customer, are responsible for all communications with your future Microsoft CSP partner.  Evolve IP will not reach out to your future CSP partner on your behalf.
  • An Evolve IP representative (Account Exec or CRM) must approve the transfer request to your future Microsoft CSP partner.
  • A sales order will be generated with line items for each subscription that is being transferred.

Outgoing Transfer Process

  • You establish a reseller relationship with your future Microsoft CSP partner, and if needed accept Microsoft's Customer Agreement.
  • Evolve IP provides you with our Company Name and Microsoft ID (Tenant ID), and you give that information to your future CSP partner.
  • Using the details provided by Evolve IP, your future CSP partner submits a transfer request to Evolve IP.
  • Evolve IP receives a notification of the transfer request, selects the subscriptions to be transferred, and approves the transfer request.
  • It can take up to 72 hours for the transfer to complete.
  • Everyone (both CSP partners and you the customer) receive email notifications upon successful transfers.
  • If any of the subscriptions fail to transfer, the process can be repeated.


Once the subscriptions are transferred away from Evolve IP, your company becomes financially responsible for all subscriptions with your future CSP partner.  Evolve IP will prorate your subscription billing based on the date of a successful transfer.

If a subscription was transferred by mistake, you will be responsible for all billing with your future Microsoft CSP partner. If your future CSP partner allows the subscription to be transferred back to Evolve IP, billing will restart once the subscription successfully transfers back.

Cancelling a Transfer Request

After a Microsoft CSP partner creates a transfer request, the request sits in a Pending state until the other CSP partner approves the request.

  • The CSP partner can cancel the request at any time.
  • Cancelling a transfer removes the ability of the other CSP partner to approve the transfer.
  • Cancelling a transfer is helpful if the transfer was mistakenly created.
  • If the other CSP partner doesn't want to approve the transfer, they can ignore the request.

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